Category Archives: Organization

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Is Speed Cleaning Really A Thing?

YES. Totally.

And let me say that it changed my life.  Before I became obsessed with organization and cleaning, I would agonize over why my house always seems a bit… askew.  Untidy.  Hey… let me be honest… downright sloppy.   I was hopelessly at a loss as to why I couldn’t keep up? After a deep clean…. these steps helped me maintain the “right after the housekeeper” clean for months!

The Bedroom(s) in 3 minutes each

  • Make the bed. I know, I know… it’s just going to get unmade… but pull the sheets and comforter up and straighten the pillows.  That step alone makes rooms seem much more organized.

Speed Cleaning the Bathroom(s) in under 5 minutes each

  • Sprinkle mild abrasive cleanser toilet bowl cleaner around the rim; let sit.
  • Use all purpose cleaner and a microfiber cloth to quickly wipe down the sinks, tub, and shower.
  • Use toilet brush to quickly scrub toilet rim then wipe seat with a separate cleansing cloth or a disinfecting wipe.

 Shared Spaces and Common Places in under 15 minutes

  • Pick up the clutter laying around and place them where they go. Clothes into the dirty clothes hamper, Toys gathered and placed in bins in rooms where they can be put away later.
  • Wipe down all surfaces with a microfiber cloth.
  • Stack papers, straighten knick-knacks and straighten pictures.
  • If there are any dishes, put them near the kitchen sink to be washed.

 The Kitchen (dun, dun, duuuuunnnnnn!) in 10 minutes

  • Unload the clean dishes, it’s helpful if you have a standard place for each type of dish
  • Rinse and scrub the dishes in the sink, then follow with dishes around the sink
  • Spray your microfiber cloth with all purpose cleaner and wipe down all surfaces in the kitchen

 Those few things make a huge difference in daily maintenance of the house.